Once ordinary people come into contact with trading, they basically can't quit it in this life. Why?

Because once you taste the sweetness of trading, you will find that other jobs in this society are simply a waste of time and meaningless.

Doing other jobs is tedious and hard, while trading is fast and easy in comparison. Although the reality is cruel and most people can't make money in this market, many people still believe that trading is the easiest way to make money.

So the only way for ordinary people like us to get results in this market is to find a good method, a good trading model, otherwise we will be tortured by trading all our lives and will achieve nothing in our lives.

As a person with five or six years of trading experience, currently making a living by trading, and intending to make trading a lifelong career, I would like to give the following paragraph to everyone.

I hope everyone can get rid of impetuousness, calm down, and truly understand the essence of it. The best way for ordinary people like us to break the bottleneck of trading is to keep learning, keep accumulating our own trading experience, constantly improve our trading cognition, and let ourselves evolve. There is no other way. #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 $BTC $ETH