Good evening, good evening, here comes the evening report of September 18th + the trend analysis of the meeting at 2 am.

Long or short? Where to stop profit? Where will it rise and fall? Read on patiently.

Before entering the main topic, please help to follow us. Thank you! At the end, I will share my thoughts. Let's look at the support and resistance first. $BTC points are the same as in the morning. Support position is 59500 58500 57500. Resistance position is 60500 61500 63000 65000. The order idea is at the end. $ETH . Support below is 2300 2270 2250. Resistance above is 2335 2360 2400 or so. Let me share my thoughts. I think it is good news in the early morning. It will at least reach 61500-63000. 65000 is yet to be considered. For Ethereum 2400-2500, the current price is fine. The price of less than 60,000 and around 2300 is reasonable. Stop loss is placed at the support position. If it is broken, stop loss. If you can accept more, place it at the second stop loss position. No one can predict it correctly. It is basically based on guessing. I think it is bullish. What do others think is bearish? Right? If you like this kind of article, please help to like it. The results will be known at 2 a.m. I don't think I can make it. I will see the results tomorrow morning. Good night #token2049 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BNB