Good evening, good evening. The 9.19 evening news is here. Please read on patiently. How will the market go after the sudden increase? Will it be long or short? It will be mentioned in the article. Please read on patiently. Before entering the topic, please help pay attention! $BTC The upper pressure position is 63000 65000, and the lower support is 61800 61400 60500 59500. I put the order idea at the end.

$ETH The upper pressure is around 2435 2460 2500, and the lower support is around 2400 2375 2350.

Today, I am shorting during the day. I entered a little early, but I will hold it first. Let me talk about the entry position for those who have not yet boarded the train. Pie is short at 62500-63000. The position of Ethereum near 2430 is very good. I am shorting at night and see a small callback. For the stop profit position, the support position is the stop profit position. Everyone can see it. If it falls below, hold it and wait for the next support level. Stop profit if it doesn't break #token2049 #加密市场反弹 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BNB