Then please take a look at my story. Like many people, I started from an ordinary and even somewhat tragic background. In 2017, I was still a worker with a monthly salary of only 5,000 yuan, living in a crowded small rental house, and facing a mediocre life every day. Imagine that day after day, week after week, it is almost impossible to see hope. At that time, I had no idea that my fate would change drastically because of an unintentional decision.

At the end of that year, a friend mentioned "Bitcoin". I knew almost nothing about it at the time, but my friend was very excited. I thought to myself, I had nothing to lose anyway, so I invested the 5,000 yuan salary I saved that month into Bitcoin. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was about 8,000 US dollars. Maybe this investment is nothing to people today, but to me at the time, 5,000 yuan was almost all my savings.

In 2018, the crypto market experienced a sharp drop. Bitcoin dropped from a peak of nearly $20,000 to around $3,000. My investment shrank instantly. I remember standing in front of the computer and looking at the dismal numbers in my account. I was extremely depressed. Many people chose to leave the market at this time, leaving with losses, as if nothing mattered. What about me? I had no other choice but to grit my teeth and persevere. It can be said that the cryptocurrency world is such a place where pain and hope are intertwined, and I survived by relying on this little hope.

It was during that bear market that I learned what patience is. I began to systematically learn blockchain technology, study market trends, and constantly reflect on my failed operations. In 2019, I made an important decision to participate in the early projects of DeFi. At that time, DeFi was still a new thing, and many people were skeptical about it, but I saw the potential behind it. I invested almost all of my savings and started to participate in liquidity mining and some early token investments. That year, my funds increased several times from 30,000 yuan to more than 200,000 yuan by the end of the year.

The real glory started in 2020. Bitcoin experienced its third halving, and the bull market officially kicked off. This year, many people saw the madness of the cryptocurrency market, but they didn't know that behind this madness was my persistence and accumulation over the years. I quickly increased my assets to nearly one million by investing in Bitcoin and Ethereum, participating in DeFi projects, and trying the NFT market. At that time, I realized that this was not just an investment, but also a game of mentality. Many people chased ups and downs, but I relied on rationality and patience to continue to move forward steadily in the bull market.

2021 is my most glorious year. I started trading full-time and no longer relied on income from outside work, but relied entirely on the cryptocurrency market for my living. That year, I focused on the Ethereum and Solana ecosystems, especially those projects within the Solana ecosystem, which helped me seize countless opportunities in the market boom and my assets exceeded 3 million yuan. At this time, many people were still trying to explore the laws of the market, but I was able to control my investment strategy relatively freely.

However, in 2022, the market fell again, especially Bitcoin fell from a high of $60,000 to below $30,000. This bear market is more complicated than the one in 2018, but I am no longer the novice I was back then. With the experience I accumulated before, I calmly adjusted my strategy and began to pay attention to Layer 2 and Web3 projects. It is precisely because of this calmness and advance layout that I can still maintain stable growth when the market is generally down, and the funds have not shrunk, but are gradually expanding.

In 2023 and 2024, as the world gradually accepts encryption technology, I have grown from a worker with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan to a trader with tens of millions of assets. Along the way, I have experienced a lot of pain and setbacks, but these have become the cornerstone of my success. The cryptocurrency world is always full of opportunities, but behind every glory is patience and wisdom. This is the truth I want to tell every latecomer: seize the trend, survive the trough, and glory will eventually belong to you. #币安上线NEIRO #加密市场反弹 #加密市场急跌