The master leads us, and the practice is up to us

On the broad stage of life, the beginning of every skill and every career cannot be separated from the guidance of "the master leading us in". Even if we are fortunate enough to invite an Olympic champion like Deng Yaping to personally guide us, the final achievement is still deeply rooted in personal efforts and persistence. The role of the master is like a morning star, illuminating the way forward, allowing us to avoid blind groping, take fewer detours, and get on the right track as soon as possible.

However, the real practice lies in the individual's mind and actions. The master can lead us to find the direction, but the road under our feet still needs to be walked step by step. On this road, how high you can climb the mountain and how far you can reach the other side depends on your personal perseverance, wisdom and unremitting pursuit. This is irreplaceable by any external force, because growth and transformation are always a personal inner journey.

Many times, we have already understood the correct path deep in our hearts, but due to the lack of external encouragement and firm support, we hesitate at the critical moment and eventually miss the opportunity. The same is true on the road of learning trading. The advice and guidance from the outside world are important, but more important is the voice and determination of one's own heart.

Therefore, learning trading requires not only choosing the right teacher, but also cultivating the ability of self-judgment and persistence. On the one hand, we must be open-minded and learn from experienced mentors; on the other hand, we must have firm beliefs and the courage to take steps on the right path, even in the face of wind and rain and challenges, we must persist to the end. Only in this way can we ride the wind and waves in the ocean of trading and reap our own success and glory. #新币挖矿HMSTR #美降息25个基点预期升温 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana #美国8月核心CPI超预期 $BTC $ETH