On September 18, fomc, the Federal Reserve will start to cut interest rates.

Observe the last similar preventive interest rate cut, July 31, 2019:

The US stock market fell on the same day, fell for 4 consecutive days, stepped back on the 200-day moving average, and then used a month of shocks to bottom out.

At that time, BTC had just fallen from the top of the bull market in 2019, and the correlation coefficient between its trend and the US stock market was very low. After the interest rate cut, it rose for a period of time and rebounded to the second highest.

From 21 to 24 ETFs, the correlation coefficient between currency and macroeconomics is getting higher and higher, and it is difficult to use the trend of 2019 to compare;

This time it is more likely to follow the trend of the US stock market. Before and after the interest rate cut on the 18th, the risk is very high.

If the currency can bottom out in one month after the interest rate cut, it is also a good time to enter the market.