Exposing Ouyi’s pitfalls

On August 27, a fan brother of mine operated Ouyi’s account normally and opened a long order of sol, 30 times long order, 155 open, originally wanting to operate short-term.

Then a fan brother’s friend transferred 20260U to his account.

Ouyi’s tricky operation was opened. After receiving the U, the account was directly controlled by risk control, unable to log in to the account, and unable to perform any operations. In the middle, he contacted Ouyi’s customer service, and the customer service only had three words: wait, wait, wait. In this way, the fan brother watched his account being liquidated.

The explanation given by Ouyi was: There was a problem with this 20260 U, but there was no clear reason. It was just said that there was a problem and asked the customer service, which was a mechanical answer: wait patiently.

It lasted for 10 days. Now the account has been unlocked and logged in, but the 20260 U is gone. . . . The key point is that it is gone. . . . The system showed a correction, but I can't find it. Can you believe it's 2024? In a so-called big exchange like Ouyi, u disappeared, and Ouyi's reply email was just "wait, wait, wait". .

When the fan brother told me, I was numb. First, it was controlled by risk without reason, and more than 20,000 u were liquidated, and then 20,260 u were transferred by Ouyi, and the system showed a correction of 20,260, which added up to hundreds of thousands. This kind of operation is only done by pig-killing schemes, and it actually happened in Ouyi.

This matter has been going on for more than 2 weeks, and there is still no news, don't say anything.

What I want to say is: if there is really a problem, Ouyi should handle it faster, instead of almost three weeks later, there is no substantive news, and the customer's U is directly seized, and there is no explanation. When asked, just wait patiently. Just ask who will be very annoyed if hundreds of thousands of dollars are seized.