If you insist on holding $SUI , or listen to me and buy it at 0.8, you will at least outperform 95% of the coins in your favorites.

Why do you miss it and can't hold it? It's because you don't believe in any opportunities in the current environment. You are afraid. When you struggle psychologically, you have already lost.

I have issued SUI for a long time. Almost every time I issue it in the square, I will mention it. I have held it.

In addition, I also held $SOL , but it is still a small loss now. I opened a small order in the currency standard, and I also held it. I won't look at the loss of $ETH . I also held it. Why?

Because one is trapped, two is that there is a market, three is that I believe, and four is that I executed it.

In addition, some people say how much SUI can reach. If the market really picks up, it is no problem to see it around 1.5 US dollars.

The reason is that the opening of the SUI Grayscale Fund has a larger market range for SUI.

As a competitor of TON chain, SUI's application direction is chain games, social networking, and tokenized finance. Because the ecology of the Move language sector is relatively low, there is a large space. As a new development language in the past three years, Move has no problems with security and performance, so capital is laying out a new chain to compete with TON.

What features do projects in other languages ​​have in common with SUI? APT is the same, but the application direction is different.

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As for why DappOS is launched, DappOS is one of my other favorite projects.

In terms of account management, DappOS can abstract from account to chain abstraction, which plays a vital role in the basic security of secure accounts.

In addition, it can save a lot of time in terms of interaction, and leave most of the time for market liquidity to solve market problems.

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