BTC started to fall after failing to reach 59500 yesterday. It broke the support of 57000 in the morning and began to accelerate its decline, with the lowest number of 55555.0.

At present, BTC daily and 4-hour lines have all fallen below the trend support, and the 4-hour line has a dead cross. The stop-loss signal is not yet seen. There should be a rebound during the day. The upper pressure is 57000-57300, and the second exploration will continue;

The probability of the US market falling again or falling inertially to close the cross star in the evening is very high, especially in the evening, there are US factory orders, vacant job data and the first quarter report of the Department of Labor. The concern about the weak economy is likely to be even greater. There are also unemployment benefits on Thursday and non-agricultural data on Friday. This week is not easy, but falling is an opportunity. The worse the US economy is, the greater the probability and magnitude of interest rate cuts will be.


#加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储何时降息?