1. Price fluctuation: The current price is 58,076.95 USDT, and the recent price fluctuates between 57,777 and 59,244, showing a certain volatility.

2. Moving average analysis:

- Short-term moving average (EMA 7): 59,565.50

- Medium-term moving average (EMA 25): 60,445.47

- Long-term moving average (EMA 99): 61,896.57

The short-term moving average is lower than the medium-term and long-term moving averages, indicating that there may be downward pressure in the short term.

Future trend forecast

Based on the trend analysis of moving averages:

- Short-term trend: The 10-day moving average (MA_10) is lower than the 25-day moving average (MA_25), indicating that there may be a downward trend in the short term.

- Long-term trend: If the 10-day moving average continues to cross the 25-day moving average, a new upward trend may form.

Trading strategy recommendations

Short-term strategy:

- If the 10-day moving average continues to be lower than the 25-day moving average, it is recommended to remain cautious and may consider short-term selling or waiting.

- Pay attention to whether the price breaks through key support levels (such as 56,282.39). If it breaks, it may fall further.

- If the 10-day moving average rebounds and crosses the 25-day moving average, it may be a buy signal, and you can consider gradually building a position.

- Set a stop loss to prevent unexpected losses.

- Adjust positions according to market fluctuations and avoid excessive leverage.