1000$FLOKI The recent price fluctuates in the range of 0.00014098 to 0.00016248, showing an overall oscillating trend. There have been large fluctuations in recent hours, with highs and lows gradually decreasing, showing a certain downward pressure.

MACD: The current MACD is below the zero axis, DIF and DEA are both negative, and DIF is slightly lower than DEA, indicating that the market still has downside risks in the short term.

RSI: RSI14 is currently around 45, not entering the overbought or oversold area, but close to neutral and weak, and attention needs to be paid to whether it will fall further.

0.141-0.145 Long order entry stop loss 0.14

0.153--0.157 Short order entry stop loss 0.159

The current market is not a pattern at all, and the stop profit is determined by yourself

#加密市场急跌 #Telegram创始人被捕 #以太坊基金会