#新币挖矿TON Oh my goodness, Telegram founder Durov has been arrested. It is completely decentralized and the future is handed over to the community! The charges reported are not small: money laundering, child pornography, etc. . . .

Binance has been patient for so many years and finally figured it out. It started to list TON series spot products and arranged for the launch pool to mine new coins. As a result, the founder collapsed before the mine was finished!

The founders and project parties in the currency circle are taking turns to go to jail. Circle of sin?

Satoshi Nakamoto had expected all this a long time ago. He was in a state of disappearance from beginning to end. I have to admire him, otherwise he would have been shot long ago!

That stupid bird Craig Wright also sued to prove that he was Satoshi Nakamoto. He is really crazy!

Everyone is Satoshi Nakamoto except Craig Wright!


What will be the future trend of TON and TON series of coins (NOT BANANA DOGS)?

暴跌阴跌 直至归零
先跌后涨 一飞冲天
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