The largest Telegram crypto communities are launching the FREEDUROV hashtag. Notcoin and Dogs were the first to join, then Hamster Combat, Blum. Then the Telegram custodial crypto wallet and smaller projects.

Everyone posts the Resistance Dog logo. The eponymous token on TON, #REDO, by the way, is recovering faster than TON and NOT.

There is no new information about Durov's arrest, other than what is already known. The arrest was confirmed by another French media outlet - #BFMTV.

The only rumors that are being circulated are that he faces 20 or even 25 years in prison. He himself was last online 8 hours ago. Probably before leaving Azerbaijan. And the topic of “how could he not know” is starting to come up, giving rise to a wave of rumors that “the founder of Telegram had a plan in case of arrest.”

It’s interesting that the entire crypto market is currently being adjusted.

Firstly, the role of the narrative of the tapalok, the TON blockchain, is now important for the near- and medium-term growth prospects of the market. This is an important part of the mechanics of mass adoption in this cycle.

Secondly, the charges against Durov indirectly mention cryptocurrency as a type of asset used by criminals (as if fiat cash were not their main and most favorite method of payment).