Tapalok players continue to be scammed on the topic of fake drops. We have already written about this topic using#Memefiand#HamsterCombatas examples. Today, another channel from the tapalok tasks was sent under the scam, and again on the#Memefitopic. Interestingly, the channel was in Memefi's tasks just the other day. The content on it has been completely cleared. Only one post from April has been left and changed, which allegedly talked about the drop in August.

The scam topic is standard: fake announcement of the drop -> fake rules "the more TON you have in your wallet, the bigger the drop" -> publication of a "bot for receiving a drop", which steals all the money when connected to the wallet. All this is sprinkled with social engineering with the awakening of greed (fake reviews) and pushing to rush ("it is important to get into the first wave of the distribution"). The story is already becoming systematic, but Telegram is very slow in issuing SCAM labels to such channels, and the TON team doesn't seem to be concerned about the scam scheme on their blockchain. Memefi and other tapalki also avoid the topic of scam among their advertisers. They only hang a disclaimer in the tasks.