1. Cryptocurrency trading is like riding a roller coaster, the risk is very high. Experts never borrow money to play this game, lest they lose money and can't even afford to eat. Keeping your wallet safe is the most important thing.

2. The money you use for cryptocurrency trading should be what you don’t need urgently. Don’t take risks with your food money. In this way, even if you lose money, it will not affect your life and your mentality will be more stable.

3. Experts don’t play short-term, they know that frequent buying and selling can easily lead to losses. They prefer to play long-term and catch big fish, believing that time will prove which currencies are truly valuable.

4. If there are no good investment opportunities, they will wait patiently and not act rashly, because they know that opportunities are for those who are prepared.

5. Although those colorful charts are useful, you cannot trust them completely. Experts pay more attention to the overall market trend and the true value of the currency.

6. They don’t touch those currencies that sound fake and have no reputation, but only invest in those that have real substance and good prospects.

7. No matter how attractive a coin is, if it has already fallen sharply, they will not buy it because they know that such a coin may never rise again.

8. After the bull market ends, they will stop and look for new opportunities after the market stabilizes.

9. Once they find a good currency, they will invest more without hesitation because they believe in their own vision and believe that this currency can make a lot of money.

10. Even if they have 100,000 yuan, they will not invest all in one currency. They will invest in different currencies, so that if one currency falls, they will not lose all of it.

11. After buying the currency, they no longer watch the market every day because they know that short-term ups and downs are not important, what is important is the long-term trend.

12. They like to buy when the currency is cheap, and then patiently wait for it to increase in price. Their goal is simple, which is to double or even more.

13. They will set in advance when to stop loss and when to stop profit, so that they will not make wrong decisions due to greed or fear.
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