$BTC 1H#Excellentsniping

Chart cycle: 1H

Main trend: shock

Key support: 576xx, 563xx, 554xx

Key resistance: 598xx, 612xx

Extreme speed + channel rebound test channel starting point 59820

Encountered resistance and turned down (Benbai filled 10 short orders at this time)

CTMD Wall Street V V back and forth

The price killed the key position of 563xx that we paid attention to yesterday

Started to rebound strongly, this market is not a pattern at all

Currently recovered the trading range, hunting the shorts chasing the shorts

Expected to continue to fluctuate, high 6w short orders are still holding some while walking and watching

#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #新币挖矿TON #美国7月PPI低于预期