The FBI mentioned in response to a reporter's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto may be "one or more third-party entities" and that " Neither confirms nor denies whether any records of Satoshi Nakamoto exist.

According to investigative journalist Dave Troy’s post on the Records of the creators of Bitcoin.

1/Sigh, this just in from the FBI, which asserts that Satoshi Nakamoto, the apocryphal creator of Bitcoin, is a “third party individual,” and can neither confirm or deny the existence of any records on this person. Typically this is their answer for requests re: non-US persons.

— Dave Troy (@davetroy) August 13, 2024

Troy said he planned to appeal the FOIA response, emphasizing that his goal was not to determine the identity behind the anonymity but to obtain information the bureau may have about the subject.

Since the publication of the Bitcoin white paper in 2008, many people have speculated on the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, but no one has been able to prove for sure who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Some believe it could be cryptocurrency pioneer and late cryptographer Hal Finney. According to Troy, if the FBI believed Finney was Satoshi Nakamoto, there shouldn't be any problem releasing his files since Finney has passed away, which Troy believes indicates the FBI may not be directly investigating the matter.

There is very little information about Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity. Satoshi Nakamoto’s profile on the P2P Foundation platform lists his birthday as April 5, 1975. In his last communication with developers in 2011, Satoshi Nakamoto stated that he had “moved on to other things.”

