Last Friday, the Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs had outflows of $89 million and $16 million respectively. Although this amount is not particularly large, it will still have a negative impact on the secondary market. Especially since this data occurred on Friday, there was no other trading on the weekend, and everyone's confidence was inevitably hit, which is one of the reasons why the market began to weaken on the weekend.

On the altcoin side, most projects fell generally, and only a few projects performed strongly due to good news, such as $SUI. Since it was recognized by Grayscale, many institutions have strongly supported it and want to make it the "No. 1 Sol Killer in the Whole Network". I think there may be a competition track specifically for Solana in the future, and then many single-chain public chain projects will have opportunities, such as $APT, $TON, $SUI, $SEI, $NEAR, $ICP, $FLOW, etc.

Then talking about $GLM, which turned to AI, the news of this project was suppressing Ethereum last month, but after turning to AI this week, the price has risen a lot. Several new projects have not seen much growth recently, but the growth of $AVAIL and $ZETA in the past 7 days has nearly doubled.

Binance has been very active recently. Today, many projects that have been delisted were forced to be replaced with USDC, which is considered a thorough cleanup. Then a batch of projects that will be delisted were announced, which will be processed on August 19. Most of the projects that were delisted in this wave were crazy last week, such as $CVP, $EPX, $FOR, $LOOM, $REEF, and $VGX. It seems that the project owners knew that they would be delisted a long time ago, so they shipped the products in advance. According to this trend, the projects on the watch list are also expected to be delisted. However, there may be opportunities for short-term speculation a week before the delisting, but you have to enter and exit quickly.