In the currency circle, many people have the problem of rigid thinking, which is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, they do not update their currency selection ideas as the situation changes. The currency market is updating and iterating at a very fast speed. Many people always keep an eye on yesterday's explosive point and ignore the current opportunities; second, they blindly chase the rise and insist on bottom-fishing. Although bottom-fishing is not wrong, you must choose the timing according to the market situation, especially in the period of strong shocks. You must also choose the right currency to bottom-fish, rather than blindly stick to the bottom currency.

Many people are obsessed with bottom-fishing, but it does not mean that they can make a profit. On the contrary, blind bottom-fishing can easily put themselves in a situation of being skinned. Once the market fluctuates violently, those currencies that have been lying at the bottom are likely to be hit hard. Even if there is a short-term rise in the future, it is difficult to recover the cost, let alone make a profit. In the currency circle, the rigidity of thinking will make you miss the opportunity to make quick profits. Not pursuing speed profits can only show that you are very Buddhist, but the consequences of Buddhist nature need to be borne by yourself. To gain a foothold in the currency circle, you must be flexible, keep up with the market, embrace changes, and seize opportunities. Don't stick to prejudices. Only by flexibly adjusting your operating strategies according to changes in the situation can you be invincible in the fierce market competition. #加密市场反弹 #美联储何时降息? #美国7月非农就业增长放缓 #BTC走势分析