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Solana (assumed to be Solana here, but may actually refer to Solana’s similar project Solana or more commonly Solana competitors such as Solana Labs’ Solana blockchain) from three key dimensions Refers to Solana, but here we follow the question) analysis, explaining why I have reservations about it and think it is unlikely to become the leader of blockchain 3.0:

The level of technological innovation needs to be deepened

Although Solana is highly praised for its performance and theoretically claims to be able to process 6,000 transactions per second, the actual data observed on the Solana browser is only around a few hundred. Although this is a significant improvement compared to Ethereum (ETH), its advantages are not obvious compared to some of the second-layer extension chains of Ethereum.

Simply relying on improvements in speed is not enough to promote the leapfrog development of blockchain technology. We also need to see other innovative technologies that can lead the blockchain world to achieve a qualitative leap.

The number of Dapp applications on the chain is obviously insufficient

Currently, the number of protocols deployed on Ethereum is as high as 1,128, compared with only 150 on Solana, and the number of Dapps is seven times different. In terms of total value locked (TVL), Ethereum reached $58 billion, while Solana was only $4.9 billion, a TVL difference of nearly eleven times. However, in terms of market value comparison, Ethereum currently has a market value of US$400 billion, while Solana has a market value of US$76 billion, and the market value gap is only five times.

Developer ecosystem construction faces challenges

Solana's smart contracts are mainly written in Rust and C languages, while Ethereum mainly uses Solidity language. Although the Rust ecosystem is growing and growing, its popularity is still far lower than that of some more mature programming languages. Especially in China, there are relatively few users of the Rust language, which requires developers to invest a lot of time and energy in learning. In comparison, Ethereum’s Solidity language is easier to get started and learn.

From the comparison of developer languages ​​and TVL, Solidity tops the list with a total locked value of US$140 billion, followed by Rust with US$7.9 billion. There is a gap of more than ten times between the two.