1. Avoid full position investment and ensure that there is flexible funds on hand for emergencies.

2. Implement a batch trading strategy, whether buying or selling, to spread risks, gradually reduce costs, and have the opportunity to increase overall profits. By gradually buying when the market is down and gradually selling when the market is up, you can get a better average cost, thereby increasing potential returns.

3. In the weak market stage, a light position strategy should be adopted, especially in a bear market, it is recommended that the position should not exceed half of the total funds. On the contrary, when the market is strong, the position can be appropriately increased, but even in a bull market, it is recommended to control the position within 80%, and retain at least 20% as short-term operations or emergency funds.

4. Keep up with market trends and flexibly adjust position allocation. According to market fluctuations, increase or reduce positions in a timely manner to optimize the position structure.

5. In the face of a market downturn, it is better to adopt a temporary short position strategy and wait patiently for a better entry opportunity.

6. Optimize the position portfolio, evaluate and adjust regularly. Keep strong performing assets and clean up or convert poor performing assets in a timely manner to maintain the competitiveness of the portfolio.

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