ETH ETF started trading after the U.S. stock market opened on the evening of July 23rd, Beijing time. This is a milestone for ETH, and a new era has begun. It is only a matter of time before it breaks through the previous high of 4,800 or even higher. Regarding Ethereum's second-layer projects, let's take a look at a set of data: (MC: circulating market value; FDV: fully diluted market value)

OP MC: 2.16 billion USD; FDV: 8.28 billion USD

arb mc 2.61 billion usd; fdv 7.8 billion usd

strk mc 860 million US dollars; fdv 5.9 billion US dollars

Metis MC: $282 million; FDV: $500 million

ZK MC 690 million USD; FDV 3.91 billion USD

In the previous wave of 73,700, the lowest to highest K-line OP and ARB are 3 times, metis 10 times, strk and zk are opened later on Binance. Then how big will the expectation be at the 24-25 bull peak? We can analyze the data. First of all, we have to look at ETH. When the next major uptrend of the market comes, plus the support of ETFs, assuming that ETH reaches 10,000U, the market value will exceed one trillion. So how much can the market value of these second-layers reach, and can they become the top 10 of the bull peak? The threshold of the top 10 of the bull peak in this big cycle must be at least 200 billion US dollars. Now the second-layer of Ethereum, looking at the current MC and FDV of the five second-layer projects above, there are still unlockings and so on. If the market is pulled later, who can enter the top 10? If they enter the top 10, based on the current circulating market value, it is almost a hundred times higher than now, but there are so many second-layer Ethereums, who can run out, how to choose and how to judge? Look at the current transaction volume? ARB is first, we need to look at the unlocking situation, which needs to be paid attention to. Who is better? Looking at the market value competitiveness, then Metis. In the final analysis, liquidity is the kingly way to get the market maker to pull the price.

Let's see which second-tier price will have a higher increase, trading volume, and popularity after the ETH ETF opens for trading and sells the news, and starts to rise towards 4,800. We'll wait and see.

There are two ways to pull the market up. Either the dealer has money and throws money around to pull the market up, or the community supports and pulls up the market with good empowerment and popularity. So, who do you think is the best?

No matter which one you configure, the most essential thing is to know how to buy. Control the entry cost, whether you are short-term or long-term. Enter the market based on the low position of BTC ETH. Control your own average cost price. In this way, you will not be anxious and hold on. For example, when BTC reached around 54,000, right? For example, when the interest rate was cut for the first time later, that was also the period when the risk market would pull back. By the way: Like many people who used to hold ARB, it was always volatile and weak, and it couldn't get hard. This is not your problem, nor is it a problem of the project. It is essentially a problem of the big market and liquidity. Without large liquidity, it means that if BTC falls a little, the altcoin will fall sharply, right? So, if you want to rise, wait for monetary easing and wait for ETFs to enter the market to buy. Overflow funds will naturally go to speculation. As for the ceiling of the second-tier track. There is also the threshold of the top 10, it still depends on how high BTC and ETH can reach. What I said before is just the current estimate. Personally, I think friends should learn to do project valuation analysis and expectations. To put it bluntly, it means to know how to buy and sell.

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