Will the UK become the next Germany?

The new British Chancellor of the Exchequer suggested selling the country's 61,245 bitcoins to help "rebuild the UK".

Although the news is just speculation, as far as the current market is concerned:

The rise in the market can only be called a "rebound", not a real "bull return". The real performance is: there is no real positive factor driving the rise in the market. Although there are expectations of interest rate cuts and election benefits, they are all relatively virtual.

On the other hand, the rebound market is relatively fragile, especially after experiencing the big negatives of "Germany selling coins", "Mentougou compensation" and "Grayscale selling coins", if another country starts selling coins, it will cause emotional panic, which does not matter whether the matter is big or not.

So when judging the market, don't always stare at the K-line indicators, or the positive and negative factors, but analyze the emotional feedback caused by the event, because the currency circle is still a consensus market. Even if you have good technology, you are garbage without consensus.

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