Why can't most people make money in the bull market? The reasons are as follows:

1. Dare not to buy in batches when the market falls;

2. Even if you buy, you don't hold on. Once the dealer washes, you get off;

3. The chips are too scattered;

4. Frequently get on and off, constantly change positions, chase ups and downs, and finally miss the bull market;

5. Chase ups in the bull market, and take a large position to sock away. A big correction will cause you to cut your losses and leave the market;

6. Don't know when the bull market comes, don't dare to hold a heavy position, don't know when the bull market is gone, and still hold a heavy position or continue.

If you are still watching and can't see the market trend clearly, you will only fall because of bullishness and rise because of bearishness. Free ➕👗 ➕🌍 BTC7732

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