Now, people who speculate in cryptocurrencies and people who speculate in real estate.

It feels like they are almost the same.

In the past, housing prices kept rising, and people who speculate in cryptocurrencies were envious and jealous of people who speculate in real estate.

Now both sides are even, or in other words, people who speculate in cryptocurrencies are a little bit better than people who speculate in real estate.

Because when it comes to the worst.

The side that loses the least is the winner.

Compared with people who speculate in real estate and cryptocurrencies in China, it is obvious that when they lose, people who speculate in real estate will lose more than people who speculate in cryptocurrencies.

Domestic housing prices are so high that as long as you buy a house in a big city, it will be in the millions. If it is in those second-tier cities, it will be more than this number.

So how many people in the cryptocurrency circle can take out millions to speculate in cryptocurrencies?

Not to mention, as long as you use a loan to buy a house, it will have a three-fold leverage, but in the cryptocurrency circle, you rarely see this kind of leverage speculation, most of them use their own spare money.

That is, because of the different investment, when it comes to profit, the profit of real estate speculation is much greater than that of cryptocurrency speculation.

After all, one is gambling away his fortune, and the other is just playing with his spare money.

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