The shooting incident that occurred over the weekend pushed Trump's reputation to a high point. Analysts currently generally believe that Trump is almost certain to win the election. Investors must also simulate the scenario after Trump takes office as president and conduct sandbox simulations. The uncertainty of time has increased greatly, but his friendly attitude towards cryptocurrencies is real. He has expressed his support for cryptocurrencies in public many times before, which makes Bitcoin the best safe-haven asset now.

Currently, media comments and social trends indicate that this shooting will increase Trump's chances of winning the presidential election.

Assets associated with Trump range from the dollar to U.S. Treasuries to stocks of private prisons, credit card companies and health insurance companies. The market generally believes that the Republican tariff, immigration and deficit policies will lead to a stronger dollar, higher bond yields and a more favorable environment for stock assets. This result will also be transferred to the securities assets most affected by his policies, which may ultimately be unfavorable to U.S. Treasuries.

Money pours into Bitcoin and gold

The weekend encouraged investors to rush in to buy at the bottom, and the price of Bitcoin also turned positive. It has rebounded in the past two days, returning to the $60,000 mark again, and then rose to $61,000 and $62,000.

Will all the promises made after being elected be forgotten?

In the article "Hot Chick" written by Arthur Hayes, the founder of BitMEX, it is written

Cryptocurrency experts are now hosting gimmicky fundraisers for the Trump campaign. They think Trump is sincere and that if they just donate enough money, the crypto chokehold will go away.

This is pure nonsense. Trump is a savvy politician. He will say anything to anyone who wants to be re-elected. Once in office, anything to do with cryptocurrency will become a distant memory.

What are the similarities between the 1964 and 2024 elections?

“Nineteen sixty-four may go down as the most explosive year in American history. The most explosive year. Why? Because it was also the year of politics. It was the year when all the white politicians went back to the so-called black community to defraud you and me of some of our votes. It was the year when all the white political tricksters went back to your community and mine to dash our hopes with their false promises, with their subterfuge and betrayal, with false promises they did not intend to keep.”

2024 is an important election year for Pax Americana. Pax Americana is at a crossroads. Should it accept a multipolar world order, stay the course, and fight challengers economically and militarily? The next emperor will have a big say in how America navigates this changing world order. Trump and the Republicans are paying lip service to cryptocurrency, given that a few thousand votes will decide the outcome of an election in a handful of states. I, like Malcolm in 1964, doubt Trump’s sincerity. He cares about getting elected, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get your vote. If Biden and the Democrats are for cryptocurrency, Trump will be against it. It’s just good politics.

We should heed this warning. American cryptocurrency holders should not settle for some meaningless government stance from either the Biden or Trump administration. The only thing that is acceptable is pro-crypto legislation signed into law.

If tens of millions of cryptocurrency holders in the United States wanted to, they could wrest favorable policies from the government as politicians eager to get re-elected.