Let's talk about trend lines #BTC

I see many people saying that trend lines are broken and prices will rise, but I don't see trend lines this way, or I don't use them to make trading decisions.

I can find many cases like this. For example, before the decline in early July, the price broke through the trend line, but it did not continue to rise and fell rapidly.

So I don't think that a reversal will definitely occur after the trend line is broken.

I think trend lines are used to judge the slope of market trends and the strength of current market trends. If the trend line is broken/changed, it only means that the current market trend is starting to weaken and the other side is gradually getting stronger, but it does not mean that the price will immediately strengthen and reverse.

The trend line itself does not have support and pressure properties, because the way of drawing trend lines is different. For example, some people draw needles and lines, some people draw entities, and some people rely on feelings. Some people use logarithmic coordinates, and some people use conventional coordinates. The conclusions drawn with any slight deviation are very different.

So there is a saying that there are thousands of lines for thousands of people.

The uniformity of trend lines is difficult to define, so the same market and K-line can lead to multiple conclusions, so there is no point in further studying the breakthrough of trend lines.