If you are at the bottom of your life, whether you are in debt, lost your job, or broke up, your life is difficult, and your future is bleak... Now you are in two states: one is to be completely hopeless, and then give up, never recover, follow the routine, and be muddleheaded; the other is to look for opportunities all the time, thinking about making a comeback, fighting back, and still being self-important, not knowing how to judge the situation, and not thinking deeply. In fact, the above two situations are the worst.

When people are at their lowest point, the most taboo thing is to act rashly! Because at this time, your mind is not pure, and you are often filled with resentment, anger, and irritability. Your decisions are often wrong, limited, biased, one-sided, and childish. It will only make you jump from one pit to another, and the previous pit is completely unresolved, so the situation is getting worse and worse. At this time, remember the following five points. If you can do them, you may be able to better accumulate strength and make a comeback.

The first thing is to understand that your failures and losses are the result of the combination of causes and conditions. Every choice, behavior, and thought you make now will create a different situation in the future. Your bad situation is not accidental, but the inevitable result of the various conditions caused by you, and it is not only related to a certain person or a certain link. If you say that the overall environment is not good, then why do you still do this if the overall environment is not good? It's all your own problem. If you think in this way, you can let go of resentment and dissatisfaction, and not blame all the responsibilities on people and things. You can also achieve a greater degree of acceptance and tolerance, so as to positively trend the future results. Once your mentality is stable, you have won half the battle. Just like the current market situation in this industry, the night before dawn is the most difficult, and most people usually die at this time. So why is the 80/20 rule unbreakable!

The second is to do everything calmly, because your mentality determines your understanding and view of the situation. When your mentality is getting better and better, you will definitely make more positive choices in various situations and get different results. On the contrary, if your mentality collapses, the harder you work, the deeper you may fall and be unable to extricate yourself. If you don't mess yourself up, no one can mess you up. Choice is more important than hard work, and vision is more important than ability. The premise of these is based on a stable mentality and stable emotions. If you don't change, can't do it, and don't stay calm and calm when encountering things, even if you make the right choice, you will not get a good result. Just like in 2013, how many people joined the industry with me, but now? Where are they? Where are people? Only the grass on the grave is a foot high.

Third, right speech. Right speech actually has two meanings. The first is not to say unlucky words like "I am so miserable", "I can't bear it", "fate is unfair", "bad luck" and so on. The second is to never say such words as "don't be sad", "don't be depressed", "don't give up", because when you mention it, it will deepen. Just like if I ask you not to blink now, you will suddenly want to blink. If you don't imagine a yellow flower, you must have a yellow flower in your mind. So any confrontation is under force, and any negation is just to affirm. What you really need to do is to give yourself positive psychological hints, and say more and only affirm yourself. As the saying goes, when words are in the flesh, you will become every word you say. This is also what is often said in metaphysics, the power of mind. Let me share a little story. I became financially independent at the age of 25. When I was in my early 20s, I went back to my hometown in Jinhua for the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, I played cards with a few friends. At that time, I only had a few hundred thousand yuan (for a twenty-year-old kid, I could make so much money through my own intelligence and ability, which was indeed several levels better than them). I told them that I had earned 1 million yuan. Over time, I really believed that I had so much money. Before this awesome thing, I came from a rural area and dared not even think about such a thing. But it was this awesome thing that broke through my ambition and imagination, strengthened my psychological suggestion and motivation, and not long after I really made 1 million yuan, and far exceeded 1 million yuan! Of course, when you are really super rich, you can no longer use this low-level method. Don't show off your wealth, there will be disaster.

Fourth, when life is at its lowest point, I know how it feels. It feels like your head weighs a thousand pounds, and you can't lift it up to see the world and the road under your feet. Your eyes are dull and you look down. Negative energy completely envelops you. Don't do this. Go out more often, walk more, heal yourself with the power of nature, participate in some outdoor sports, get involved less with people, see more nature, and believe in the power of nature. Take good care of your daily life. Daily life is the anchor of our spirit. If you don't sleep well, you will be depressed. If you eat too much, you will be anxious. As the saying goes, you are full and bored, and you are looking for trouble. The things here are dark things, bad things.

The fifth is to firmly believe that if you want a lot, you must endure it, and if you want to go far, you must wait for it. Every low point in life is the best time for your self-growth. You must cherish this difficult time. Just like in our industry, you must buy at the bottom when the market drops sharply, and you must sell when the market rises sharply! From a long-term perspective, this is absolutely correct. Many times, it is these low times that make you great in the future. The time I miss most now is not the joy of making millions a day when I was doing the mining machine business, nor is it the ostentatiousness of spending money like water in entertainment venues and having girls on both sides, nor is it the time when I could call friends and have people invite me to dinner and drinks whenever I went to any city or any place as long as I had a circle of friends. The time I miss most is when I was in the garbage street of Binjiang in Hangzhou and had no five dollars in my pocket, when I lived on the second floor of a basement in Beijing and relied on the prostitutes next door to come back every night to give me some takeaway barbecue that they couldn't finish eating outside. What I miss most is working the night shift in Xiamen, walking alone from Zhongshan Road to the road of Shapowei at three or four in the morning, the dim street lights and the desolate and deserted street scene, and the lonely and struggling heart.

Zeng Guofan once said that what you learn in life is when you are frustrated and humiliated. When you are in adversity, you must learn to keep a low profile. When you should be gathering your strength, don't rush to stand out. When you should be working hard, don't try to make a splash. When you should be sharpening your mind, don't try to wake up suddenly. The more solid your foundation, the more complete the process, and the longer you persist in your efforts, the easier it is for your growth to make a qualitative leap. Life is a process of accumulating strength and then releasing it. #德国政府转移比特币 #美联储何时降息? #币安7周年