There remain 6,894 BTC worth $394.77 million in the German authorities’ crypto wallet. According to #Arkham. Back on July 9 there were 23,244 BTC worth $1.348 billion. About 14% of the original almost 50,000 BTC remains.

The wallet consistently sends coins to crypto exchanges, periodically receiving partial returns. For example, over the last hour, a total of 500 BTC was received from#Krakenand #Bistamp.

We have already written about why the German (or more precisely, Saxon) authorities are so eager to sell the BTC that fell into their hands. In short - the rules of bureaucracy. The goal is to sell faster, not to sell profitably.

The German FUD for the crypto market will end, if not today, then in the first days of next week. The question is whether they will begin to more actively promote the topic of Mt.Gox payouts (this topic was raised again yesterday) and whether they will add new FUD to the market.