DOGS's Telegram channel shows that it has just been created, and there is a detailed introduction. The dog is called Spotty, let's call him black and white dog for now

The team said: Why choose DOGS?

This is not just another emoji coin. It is the emoji coin that best suits Telegram and embodies the spirit and culture of a vibrant community. Bring the legacy of Spotty into the world of cryptocurrency and create something fun, community-driven, and unique.

Obviously, DOGS is a MEME coin based on the concepts of Telegram and TON. It is said that DOGS was launched by creator Blum with the support of Notcoin. Currently, points can be collected and converted into tokens later! The current OTC guaranteed transaction unit price is 0.02$≈0.15rmb

Potential and risks

① The coin can be collected, but it cannot be sold for the time being

② Now it has reached 1 million users, betting it is a big golden dog

③ Free airdrops, don’t take it, don’t take it, do it for free

Although there are some MEME projects in the TON ecosystem, such as FISH and REDO, these projects lack breakthrough influence and wealth effect. TON’s characteristics are more reflected in the fields of Web2 and Web2.5 such as small games, payment applications and cross-border e-commerce, but it has always performed weakly in DeFi and MEME.

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