Success is not a product of chance, but the result of long-term unremitting efforts. Therefore, no matter where you are now, don't give up, stick to it, because everything you do will not be in vain. In the morning, it touched the high near 57915, then fell back to test the low 57315, and then rebounded strongly upward, breaking through the suppression near 58300, and came to the 59449 line. Wei Yi also gave many hints to look up during the day, and Wei Yi's low-long big cake took 1500 points of space and his wife took 100 points of space.

From the overall structure, it fell strongly to the 53329 line before, and it was unable to continue to rebound upward. Later, the bulls suppressed and fell at the 58500 line. The upward attack did not form a break and gave a callback. After many tossings during the day, the position near 58500 finally broke, so from the current structure, the upward space is opened, and it can continue to rely on the intraday thinking.

Big Pie Idea: More around 58500, target 61000

Empress Idea: More around 3070, target 3200$BTC $ETH #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #BTC下跌分析 #美国6月非农数据高于预期