Entering the cryptocurrency circle, many people have a common vision:

The dream vision of the cryptocurrency circle: With a principal of 10,000 yuan, swearing to work for ten years and not giving up until it reaches one million, they embark on the journey with a firm belief.

However, the true portrayal of the cryptocurrency circle is often more complex and changeable:

Scenario 1: When entering the market for the first time, the principal of 10,000 yuan quickly shrank to 5,000 yuan. At night, I couldn't sleep because of anxiety, and the light of the mobile phone screen became a frequent visitor at night. Whether to sell or not became a daily torment. After more than a month, it rebounded slightly to 9,000 yuan. You chose to stick to it, but you didn't expect the market to be ruthless. It lingered in the range of 1,000 to 6,000 yuan for a long time. In the end, the unwillingness turned into a sigh and left the market at 6,000 points.

Scenario 2: With luck, the investment of 10,000 yuan expanded to 12,000 yuan in a few months. You withdrew in time and expected to enter again at a lower point. Unexpectedly, the market did not play by the rules and rushed to the peak of 15,000 and 20,000 yuan. Fearing that you would miss the opportunity, you entered the market again, and the cost doubled. But the good times didn't last long, the price plummeted to 6,000, the lesson was profound, and the cost of doubling the cost was unforgettable.

The first lesson of entering the cryptocurrency circle: the baptism of loss. This may be straightforward and cruel, but it is a necessary path. Only by experiencing losses can you deeply understand the impermanence of the market and the unpredictable risks. For friends who have taken a detour on this road, do these words resonate with you?

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