Seven core strategies for currency investment, a must-read for beginners!

1. For popular and strong currencies, if they fall back from their highs and continue to adjust for nine days, this is a good opportunity to intervene, so be sure to seize it.

2. Once any currency rises for two consecutive days, it must be treated with caution and timely reduction of holdings to lock in profits and avoid standing guard at high positions.

3. When a certain currency's single-day increase exceeds the 7% mark, and if it continues to rise the next day, you can consider increasing your position to capture additional profits.

4. Facing the big bull coins in the market, the only way to be prudent is to wait patiently for the correction to complete before making further arrangements.

5. If a certain currency performs mediocrely for three consecutive days without significant fluctuations, it is recommended to hold the currency and wait and see for three days. If there is still no improvement, consider changing the target.

6. When holding any currency, if the closing price of the next day fails to cover the cost of the previous day, it should be regarded as a warning signal and be decisively exited to avoid further losses.

7. Follow the market rules. If the star currency on the increase list strengthens for two consecutive days, it indicates that the market outlook is promising. At this time, you should buy at low prices, and the fifth day often becomes an ideal selling point. If you seize this opportunity, you can often obtain generous returns.

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