When it comes to the "80/20 rule" in the cryptocurrency world, the core essence lies in the imbalance of resource allocation, that is, about 20% of market participants can capture 80% of the profits, while the remaining 80% of participants share the remaining 20% ​​of the profits. This law deeply reveals the common phenomenon in the investment field.

Take actual operations as an example. Many investors buy cryptocurrencies at low prices, expecting that the upcoming bull market will bring about a surge in prices. However, before the bull market really starts, the market often goes through one or more rounds of "washing" processes, which are designed to test and eliminate those investors who are not determined. For those investors who buy near the high point and then face price fluctuations, fear may gradually accumulate, causing them to choose to cut their losses and leave the market at a critical moment, which is exactly what the dealer wants.

But if investors can stick to their beliefs and survive this period of washing, their mentality will often change in the next trend. Many people are eager to cash out when they are untied to avoid the potential risk of another decline, but the result is that they miss the opportunity for substantial appreciation in the subsequent bull market. This kind of "in and out" operation not only fails to achieve profit, but may fall into a floating loss state due to premature exit, and finally miss the explosive growth of the market.

In the currency circle, a good mentality and firm belief have become the key factors that determine whether investors can cross the "28th Law" gap and become one of the 20% successful people. In the face of market fluctuations and temptations, staying calm, rational analysis, and having the courage to stick to your investment strategy are the right way to increase wealth.

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