What books are a16z employees reading?

On June 28, a16z crypto updated the article "Some books we're reading this summer 2024" on the official website. I did a simple translation and sorting, and shuffled the order, putting books related to investment/finance/technology ahead of time.

Source: a16z crypto

Only by using the time that others spend watching pornographic movies to read can you outperform others in the bull market

Lyn Alden :Broken Money: Why Our Financial System is Failing Us and How We Can Make it Better

  • Broken Money: Why our financial system is failing and how we can improve it

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"The lessons and insights Alden draws from monetary history make a strong case for how decentralized digital currencies can solve past and current challenges facing monetary systems."

Carol Coye Benson、Scott Loftesness、Russ Jones :Payments Systems in the US: A Guide for the Payments Professional

  • The U.S. Payment System: A Guide for Payment Professionals

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"This textbook details many aspects of the payment system (wire transfers, ATMs, credit cards, debit cards, etc.). You probably won't read this book from cover to cover, but if you want to understand the flow of funds after a credit card is swiped, this is is a great resource.

Annelise Osborne :From Hoodies to Suits: Innovating Digital Assets for Traditional Finance

  • "From Hoodies to Suits: Innovating Digital Assets for Traditional Finance"

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"I absolutely love this book. It bridges the gap between traditional finance and technical engineering and cryptocurrency. Both types of people are needed to continue to grow the Web3 ecosystem."

Verity Harding :AI Needs You: How We Can Change AI's Future and Save Our Own

  • AI Needs You: How We Can Change the Future of AI and Save Ourselves

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"Harding is an expert on the interaction between artificial intelligence and public policy. She looks at the technological movement of the past century or so to understand the rise of modern AI. This "Humanities Manifesto for the AI ​​Era" demonstrates that AI's impact on society goes well beyond Rather, it is up to everyone to drive technology toward its maximum social potential.

Ran Spiegler :The Curious Culture of Economic Theory

  • "The Curious Culture of Economic Theory"

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"A vibrant collection of articles that explores the intellectual history and philosophy of economic theory. Spiegler discusses how and why economists reason in particular ways on topics such as strategic behavior, (ir)rationality, and information—while teaching conceptual architecture and Anthropologising the industry.

Henry Hazlitt :Economics in One Lesson

  • "Economics Lesson"

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"Full of insights and thoughts on basic economics."

Peter Robison :Flying Blind

  • 《Blind Fly》

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"This is the most complete business history of Boeing, showing its gradual decline from a widely respected engineering company that lost its reputation for safety and quality."

Scott Page :The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You

  • "Model Thinkers: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You"

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This book teaches a range of mathematical models, from networks to Markov chains to signal transmission, and shows how they can be applied to data sets. This may sound boring - it's not. Page shows how these mental models can be used in the real world, arguing that since any one model is a poor simulation of the real world, we need multiple models to navigate our lives.

Rick Rubin :The Creative Act: A Way of Being

  • "The Creative Way: A Way of Being"

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"A masterclass in bringing the creative process to life. Whether you're making music, writing, painting, programming, or investing in technology: be open to new ideas, willing to experiment, and prepared to fail. Simple, easy to understand, Thought provoking.

Greg McKeown :Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

  • "Essentialism: The Pursuit of Less but Better"

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“This book introduced me to the concept of ‘timing.’ The ancient Greeks had two words for time—one was ‘chronos,’ which is the familiar linear, clock-measured time. The second was ‘ kairos”, representing moments of opportunity or “right” time, can only be experienced by living in the present moment. Wishing time passes faster, sometimes wishing it went slower, but we can all increase the amount of time in kairos.

David McCullough :The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge

  • "The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of Building the Brooklyn Bridge"

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"McCullough is a thorough researcher who knows how to weave a narrative. His account of the extraordinary effort behind one of the greatest engineering achievements of the 19th century is for anyone interested in innovation, technology, and bold leadership. This is a song Hymn of will.

William Zinsser :Writing to Learn

  • "Writing to Learn"

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"I recently learned that the author of The Art of Writing, the writing bible, has another book about writing. If you only read one, read The Art of Writing, but if you're a huge Zinsser fan, Like me, read both on any subject - no matter how complex.

Emily Monosson :Blight: Fungi and the Coming Pandemic

  • Blight: Fungi and the Coming Pandemic

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"This is an open-minded and thought-provoking book that won't just make you freak out about fungal pandemics, but make you think about evolutionary competition and the strategic struggles between various organisms and the fungi that sometimes wipe them out."

Adrian Tchaikovsky:Children of Time

  • "Children of Time"

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"Children of Time" is a perfect combination of science fiction and evolutionary biology, taking readers on an epic journey across time and space. This novel explores the rise and fall of civilizations, the resilience of life, and the unintended consequences of humanity's quest for survival. It's very difficult to make an epic hard science fiction novel both intellectually stimulating and emotionally moving, but this book does it. It will spark your imagination and haunt you long after you finish reading it.

Sid Meier :Sid Meier's MEMOIR!: A Life in Computer Games

  • "Memoirs!" : A lifetime in computer games》

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"The creator of Civilization and dozens of other computer games looks back on how he and his collaborators built one of the greatest game series in history. Memoirs not only traces computer hardware, graphics, AI, and game design ’s history is also filled with top advice for aspiring entrepreneurs and creators.

趙宇飛:Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics: Exploring Structure and Randomness

  • "Graph Theory and Additive Combination: Exploring Structure and Randomness"

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"My friend Yufei Zhao has written a beautiful, energetic book about the phenomenon in combinatorics where structure emerges from apparent randomness and vice versa. The book is an interesting introduction to the industry, covering everything from Szemerédi's theorem to Everything about the card game SET.

James C. Scott :Against the Grain

  • "Upstream"

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"In Upstream, James C. Scott overturns the common logic of civilization: animals, plants, and fire domesticated humans; the so-called 'savage' lifestyles were cleaner, healthier, and served as the nation's important and economic A necessary counterpoint emerged; these early states did not develop taxation—rather, the ability to tax farmers by collecting domesticated grains readily available on the ground led to the formation of early states' political systems. Explain their origin.

Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges:The Ancient City

  • Ancient Cities

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"What did the ancients think? We understand and pay attention to the history and beliefs of the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Indians because we have greater access to their writings. But how much do we know about the beliefs of the ancients even earlier? Also It is those primitive Indo-European beliefs shared by the ancient Romans, Greeks, Indians, Persians, etc. that form the basis of Western civilization.

Ancient Cities (1864) is surprisingly readable despite its age. It explores everything we can infer based on ancient texts and linguistic foundations. It is the clearest account of the development of Western culture until the advent of Christianity that I have ever read. "

Will Guidara :Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect

  • "Unreasonable Hospitality: Giving People the Extraordinary Power to Exceed Their Expectations"

Source: a16z crypto

"He worked at Eleven Madison Park for many years and was a big part of the restaurant's success. It's an easy read but very applicable to our daily work. It also applies to politics."

Peter Nichols :A Voyage for Madmen

  • "Sailing for Madmen"

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"This is a fantastic record of the first solo circumnavigation of the world! The race was held in 1968-1969 and was open to the general public - which is why most of the competitors didn't have much experience. The winner completed the race in 312 days (The current solo record is 42 days) For some, the journey itself is more important than the final monetary reward and honor.

James C. Scott :Seeing like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed

  • "Seeing Like a Country: Why Some Solutions to Improving the Human Condition Fail"

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"Looking Like a Country gave me some clarity on how to think about the operations of organizations of all sizes. I have been recommending this book to anyone running a startup, business, or community. Yes, you need to decentralize Control and encourage grassroots innovation - these lessons are especially applicable in the blockchain industry.

Laozi: Tao Te Ching

  • Tao Te Ching

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"The truth is within you!"

Alex Hutchinson :Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance

  • "Endurance: Mind, Body, and the Miraculously Elastic Limits of Human Performance"

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“I’ve been reading a lot lately about grit and endurance. I particularly enjoyed the author’s behind-the-scenes interview during the Nike 2-Hour Marathon project and the chapter on pain, which features cyclists Jens Voight and Eddy Merckx.”

Matt Fitzgerald :How Bad Do you Want It?: Mastering the Psychology of Mind over Muscle

  • "Do you want to fight harder?" : Master your mind to defeat your muscles"

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"A diverse collection of epic race stories, featuring insightful interviews with elite athletes about the state of their minds and bodies during their most challenging races."

David Oks :The Modern Diet is a Biosecurity Threat

  • "Modern Diet Is a Biosecurity Threat"

"An interesting and practical analysis of how and why the modern diet is killing us."

村上春樹:What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

  • "What do I talk about when I talk about running"

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"Murakami's compelling memoir contains reflections on the intersection of running and writing and their impact on his life."

Des Linden :Choosing to Run

  • "Choose Running"

Source: a16z crypto

"I recommend this memoir. Boston Marathon winner Des Linden is a treasure and the embodiment of perseverance."

Hugh Wilford :The CIA: An Imperial History

  • "The CIA: A History of Empire"

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"A new perspective on the organization is told through the actions of key players."

Frank Conroy :Stop-Time: A Memoir

  • "Stopped Time: A Memoir"

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"This is a coming-of-age story and a look back at rebellious youth. Although it is true, it fascinates me more than J.D. Salinger's novel."

David Perkins :φ,π, e, and i

  • 《φ、π、e和i》

"Reading in order is fun, but flipping through is even more fun. You never know when you'll discover your new favorite formulas that contain some of the most famous numbers in mathematics." For example, take a look at pages 89-91

Annie Jacobsen :Nuclear War

  • "Nuclear War"

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"Annie Jacobsen draws on top sources to outline the nuclear capabilities and policies of nations around the world, placing them in the context of a hypothetical attack on the United States. It is thought-provoking on many levels, one of which will keep you awake at night."

Robert Kurson :Shadow Divers: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve One of the Last Mysteries of World War II

  • "Shadow Divers: The True Story of Two Americans' Adventure to Solve the Final Mystery of World War II"

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"This is a super engaging (true!) story - I recommend not reading the back cover (or getting any information about the book ahead of time) because it's more interesting that way as the mystery unfolds for you and the characters at the same time. "

David Grann :The Wager

  • "bet"

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"'Stake' tells a compelling true story of survival at sea and humanity in the Age of Discovery."

Ray Vukcevich :Glinky

  • The Grinch

"What is that, up in the sky—is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's The Grinch—the most Grinch science fiction short story ever written!"

Denis Johnson :Tree of Smoke

  • "Smoke Tree"

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"This riveting Vietnam War espionage thriller deftly interweaves the stories of a rookie CIA agent, a lost Marine, and a missionary Canadian nurse, while also being a reflection on American history, mythology, and more."

RF Kuang :Babel

  • "Tower of Babel"

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"This is one of the most beautiful books I've read since The Name of the Wind. It mixes some elements of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, plus The Killing of Kings and Harry Potter, and the deadly beauty of The Song of Achilles.

Robert Jordan 與 Brandon Sanderson :A Memory of Light (book#14in the Wheel of Time series)

  • "Bright Memories"--the 14th book in the "Wheel of Time" series

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"About 500 pages in, I started actively avoiding reading for fear of the inevitable ending and sadness for the end of a series that had been with me for five years. The slow build-up and tension of the final battle was painful, If you're not ready to go through hundreds of pages of desert treks and battles with trolls, I don't recommend reading this series until it finally explodes in the epic finale.

仁坂壽介:The Cat Who Saved Books (translated by Louise Heal Kawai)

  • "The Cat Who Saved the Book"

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"This heartwarming read is both heart-wrenching and heart-warming. Filled with wise observations and wise advice, it felt like a safe haven from reality while the owner escaped his own labyrinth. Any Love Anyone who reads books will find their own reflection in these pages.

Percival Everett :James

  • James

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“I picked up Everett’s new novel James after seeing the movie American Novel (based on his earlier novel Erased). I was not disappointed. James is a spirited work. Everett's style is full of irony, compassion and energy, a perfect tribute to Mark Twain and inspired by The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Dennis Lehane :Small Mercies

  • A Small Mercy

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"Great for beach reading - Dennis Lehane at his best."

Akihiko Takagi: The Noh Mask Murder

  • "The Incident of Noble Murder"

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"A mystery novel with a multi-layered author-narrator-detective structure that is as innovative and unique as Agatha Christie's seminal novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Unlike other original mysteries Like a novel, the solution relies on logic - all the evidence is in the book.

Mick Herron :Slow Horses

  • "Slow Horse"

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"What happens to those MI5 spies who can't be sacked but are no longer suitable for Group A? These unqualified individuals are sent to Slough House, where they do the worst spy work possible - until they resign or retire. In this In this inventive, clever and funny spy novel, these so-called "slow horses" find themselves back in the spotlight when a kidnapping turns into a deadly conspiracy.

Joanna Faber 和 Julie King :How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen: A Survival Guide to Life with Children Ages 2-7

  • "How to Get Children to Be Obedient: A Survival Guide for Children Aged 2-7"

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"I'm a proponent of mental models in Web3. However, when I looked for equivalent mental models for parenting, I couldn't start. This book provides several structures and tactical tools for resolving conflicts, dealing with emotions, and my favorite is the part about how to get children to move from one activity to another in a timely and non-stressful manner.

[Disclaimer] There are risks in the market, so investment needs to be cautious. This article does not constitute investment advice, and users should consider whether any opinions, views or conclusions contained in this article are appropriate for their particular circumstances. Invest accordingly and do so at your own risk.

  • This article is reprinted with permission from: "Rhythm Blockbeats"

  • Original author: a16z crypto editorial