How to buy Bitcoin in 2024? Bitcoin is so expensive, can't afford it?

How to buy Bitcoin in 2024? This is a question that many people who want to enter the circle want to know. Bitcoin is so expensive, hundreds of thousands of dollars, can't afford it, and so on.

How to buy less than one Bitcoin?

Is the minimum purchase of Bitcoin one Bitcoin? Can you buy less than one Bitcoin?

The number is just a unit, and the purchase unit can be 0.1 or even 0.01, including other currencies.

Many people have a common misunderstanding that one Bitcoin is worth tens of thousands of dollars, which is almost equivalent to a small car, so they give up the choice to buy Bitcoin.

Therefore, they choose to buy a lower-priced currency, which is unfortunate because Bitcoin is widely regarded as one of the least risky cryptocurrencies - very suitable for people who are just starting to use cryptocurrencies. Worse, people are attracted to coins with very low unit costs, which often come with higher associated risks.

The fact is that whether you own 1 Bitcoin, 15 Bitcoins or 0.01 Bitcoins, you own Bitcoin and are equally exposed to the risk of ups and downs. It doesn't matter how much you own. The important thing is that there are only 21 million bitcoins, and you can only get a piece of it.

Where to buy bitcoin?

The recommended way for novices is to buy it on the exchange. When choosing an exchange, safety and stability should be put first.

Currently, Binance and OKX meet the current conditions.

You can buy it after registering on the exchange.

Note that both buying and selling require fees. Filling in the invitation code when registering can reduce the transaction fee.

If it is a short-term holding, it is recommended to put it on the exchange for easy sale.

No matter which way you buy and hold, there are certain risks. You must understand this.

If this article is helpful to you, you may wish to pay attention to Caishen. If you have any questions that you don’t understand, you need to consult or want to communicate and learn together. Read the introduction of the industry and try to get into the circle.

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