7.6 Saturday morning thoughts

No matter how many setbacks you encounter, please remember that you have the power to start over.

Yesterday, Bitcoin fell below the previous low again and came to the 53,400 mark, and then supported the rebound at this position. In the intraday rebound repair, the currency price also successfully stabilized above 55,000 and consolidated. Then at night, the exchange rate was blocked after breaking through 57,000 and failed to break through the upward trend. It then fell back to 56,000 and began to repair. It is consistent with our thinking yesterday. It is impossible to have a one-sided market. After falling so much, the market will definitely give us a rebound repair, so friends who like short-term can try to follow Hongshen's thinking.

From the technical structure, in the 4-hour level, after the release of three consecutive long shadows, the currency price bottomed out at 53,000, but the market repair was not too perfect, and there was still a callback in the middle. This does not hinder the short-term rebound rhythm. This wave of currency prices has stood above the MA7 moving average, and various indicators are also constantly moving upward, but we will not look at too much strength in this wave of rebound. Keep the range operation and make a decision after the breakout. The idea for the next two days is to look at the rebound first and then go to the high altitude to see the shock.

Operation suggestion

Short around 57000-58000

Target is 54000-55000 Defense focus on 59000 Breakout to see 53000#btc #ETH大涨