PancakeSwap is giving away 2.4 million ZK tokens to its community to celebrate the success of ZKsync PancakeSwap and reward users for their contributions.

Who is eligible?

đŸ„žveCAKE holders

đŸ„žPast contributors who actively traded, provided liquidity, participated in specific ZKsync campaigns, or used ZKsync features

đŸ„žFuture contributors

Claim Window:

📅 Open: 10:30 UTC on July 5, 2024

📅 Close: 10:30 UTC on August 5, 2024

Tokens not claimed within this period will be reallocated for future development and community initiatives.

#PancakeSwapV3 #PancakeSwap #PancakeSwapJourney #ZkSync $ZK $CAKE #Cake