Brother Sun smiled, life and death were unpredictable.

1. Sun Gee announced the issuance of the ICO, which later became Tron. It had a national road show for one month, and one month later the 94 incident occurred. After he finishes raising funds, all ICO projects will be liquidated.

2. In 2018, the second wave of bull market, Tron reached the historical high price of 0.27, and the bull market ended.

3. Ieo hot spot, Sun Ge also came to Ieo btt in 2018, and a month later the ieo sector plummeted

4. Take a picture of Buffett’s lunch, pigeon-hole Buffett, and the currency circle plummets within a month.

5. Taking advantage of the popularity of Defi in 2020, they copied uni, sushi, yfi, etc. and launched their own imitation projects on TRON. As soon as they went online on September 1, the currency prices of these projects collapsed. Sushi dropped from 13 yuan to 50 cents. YFI dropped from 30,000 to 7,000. . .

6. After being silent for many years, Sun Gee issued an open letter saying that he would fully invest in the BTC project. On September 7, the price plummeted. .

7, 2023.3.2 Sun Ge’s Twitter warmed up again and said there will be major news about TRX next week. . .

​8. A stable currency USDD was created in May 2022. Within a few days, UST was directly decoupled, and LUNA was directly hit by thunder.

Where in the world can there be such a coincidence#BTTC #BTC #TRX孙哥又会不会妥协?