Today's non-farm data performed well, with the unemployment rate rising to 4.1%, the highest since November 2021. This kind of data may prompt the Fed to reconsider its policy. In addition, although the employment data exceeded expectations, it was lower than the previous value. The most important thing is the wage data, which is the indicator that Powell focuses on. The annual and monthly rates of wages are lower than the previous values ​​and in line with expectations. These are all positive signs.

In fact, for the employment data, I have mentioned many times before that the results are not ideal, whether good or bad. Either it is very bad now or it will be worse in the future. The former refers to rising employment and falling unemployment. On the surface, the US economy seems to be still strong, but this means that the Federal Reserve has enough reasons to maintain high interest rates, and in a high interest rate environment, the risk of financial black swan events increases. So, this situation means that it is already very bad now.

If employment falls and unemployment rises, although the conditions for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates are gradually met, it also shows that the US economy is gradually heading towards a recession, increasing the possibility of a recession. Therefore, although it is good for the risk market in the short term, it is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst in the long run, which means that it will be very bad in the future.

Knowing this, you can understand the impact of today's non-agricultural data on the market. Many people may ask why the data is good, but the price of BTC still fell. You can wait until the US stock market opens to observe. The market is still in a low liquidity range. It just rose a little before and was smashed down. The panic sentiment has not been completely eliminated.

The current market is volatile. Whether you are keen on contracts or spot, you can find me on the homepage. After the sharp drop in the market, I am also optimistic about several potential coins and are ready to lay out.

Why not join me to capture the next wave of opportunities in the market.

#VanEck提交首个SolanaETF #德国政府转移比特币 #美国6月非农数据高于预期