July 10, interpretation of the market trend and operation ideas:

The midnight market developed as expected. After a night of shock and rise, the current shock rhythm remains the same. The price ratio has been repeatedly breaking through the high point of 58,000. Our Buju has been effective as expected. At present, the price ratio has broken through many times, but it has not stabilized yet.

From the current market, the overall trend has not changed. It is still bullish at a large level. Although the process is relatively slow, the trend is like this. Even if it rises, it will not rise directly, but will still accumulate power first. This process will be completed with continuous shocks, so everyone must be more patient. We can wait for the market to rise, and don’t panic because of a little fluctuation. At present, it is recommended that both short-term long and short positions have opportunities. Friends who have entered the market can wait patiently for the rise.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, please check the top page to find me, you can get the position allocation strategy, and teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market

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