Today's sharing:

1. The market situation is eternal. Whether it is a bear market or a bull market, everyone looks at the market differently, depending on where they are currently. Over the long term, we have witnessed the rise and fall of many bear markets, but some people have always regarded them as bull markets, which reflects the power of the law of attraction: those who are close to bear markets see bear markets, and those who are close to bull markets see bull markets.

2. Risk management:

If you cannot accurately predict market trends, you must have the ability to deal with uncertainty, which is a true master. When prices fall below expectations, you can consider the following treatment methods:

1. Re-determine the range and band.

2. Adjust the position allocation of the portfolio.

3. Set a strict stop-loss strategy to ensure that you exit in time when the price falls below.

4. Keep a wait-and-see attitude and wait for further confirmation of market trends.

5. Consider turning to more stable investment targets and regard existing retracements as new investment opportunities.

3. A recently popular trading strategy is zero-based trading, such as WOLF, bucky, chwy, etc. These stocks usually show the characteristics of long-term low-level decline. The traders use chip control and financial strength to wait for the second or third rapid rise after the stock price hits the bottom, thereby coordinating operations with the dealer.

4. Luck has inertia. When we are in a good period, we should make good use of this good luck and don't have to restrict ourselves too much. Even if the end of good luck may affect profits, this is also the time when we can best accept losses. This is not superstition, but a manifestation of the situation determining wealth.

5 years of experience in the currency circle, you can consult any questions, and friends who want to make progress together with Jiaqungouliu can see my introduction to the industry

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