A huge market crash! Large investors suffered heavy losses, while the price of USDT soared to a premium?

The bad news hit like a storm, causing the price of cryptocurrencies to fall sharply, directly breaking through the 54,000 mark! Those who had called for a bottom-fishing at 56,000 are now silent, and the price of the currency has even fallen to 53,000!

This is simply a disaster! Large investors were liquidated one after another, and some big whales' 24.64 WBTC and 173,230 cETH disappeared in an instant, with heavy losses!

What's even crazier is that the price of USDT in the over-the-counter market soared to 7.46 yuan, with a premium rate of up to 2.63%. It is said that in order to increase the margin, some people even mortgaged their houses. This situation is simply crazy!

The article has a delay. If you don’t understand the market and need real-time explanations to learn technical techniques and experience, please read my introduction to the industry.

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