It is very difficult to predict the market situation, so we will not predict it. When the market moves out, we will act.

In the currency circle, there is a very certain phenomenon. After a period of falling market, BTC is a weather vane. When it starts to rise, the altcoin will start a wave of market. Therefore, our operation is also very simple. Wait for BTC to soar and then buy altcoins. In essence, this is a trend of rising market.

1) The entry signal is very easy to judge. For a novice, there is a very easy standard to judge a wave of rising trend, which is the continuous rise of BTC. For those who understand technology and trends, they can judge a little earlier, such as some important pressure points, volume, etc.

2) Buy altcoins. In a trend market, altcoins will not only rise generally, but also rotate in sectors. This means that even if you are a little slow and miss a wave of market, there are other sectors to buy.䀅👗➕蝛:rgbn985  For example, in this trend, even if you missed the inscription, there were AI, Depin, Sol track, MEME, GameFi, etc. Even if you didn't participate in these sectors, you could make a good profit by buying any altcoin.

Before the upward trend began, there was a downward trend, which is actually quite important. This represents how much money is left behind, which determines the hype level of the altcoin.

I think this is the best operation plan in this market now and in the future, and it is also what I am using. In essence, it is a wave of trend market, 1) Simple judgment, the continuous rise of BTC is the basis for trend judgment. 2) Simple operation, most of the time is resting. 3) High accuracy, the profit is quite good.

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