When you first came to the cryptocurrency circle, did you think like this, buy a coin, hold it, and wait for it for ten years, it will directly turn from 10,000 to 1 million?

Even if you hold a big pie, it may not give you such an opportunity! You may experience the exchange running away, the wallet being stolen, and the mnemonic phrase being forgotten or lost!

When you invest 10,000 funds with hope, reality may give you a blow.

When you wake up the next day, your assets have shrunk to 5,000. That night, anxiety and uneasiness accompany you sleepless. In the following days, every time you are awakened by the urge to urinate in the deep night, the first thing you do is not to run to the toilet, but to open the mobile phone APP to check the heart-wrenching market.

A year has passed slowly in torment and expectation. Your coin price has repeatedly jumped between 1,000 and 6,000 yuan, and your heart has also fluctuated up and down. Finally, you made up your mind that if the price reaches 9,000, you will reluctantly give up and stop the loss in time.

Fortunately, the bull market came unexpectedly, and your coin price climbed all the way to 8,500. But your experienced "intuition" tells you that the price will fall back to 6,000, so you sell decisively, planning to re-enter the market at a low level to earn the difference of 2,500. At first, your strategy seemed to work and you made a few small profits. However, this time, the market played a joke on you. Instead of falling back, the price went straight to 9,000.

You were so anxious that you were afraid of missing this express train, so you took back your position at a higher price of 9,000, but found that you had fewer coins. Then, the market played a roller coaster again, sliding from 9,000 to 7,000. You fell into regret and struggle again, itching to try to recover your losses through frequent operations.

Finally, the market gave you a chance to breathe, and the price of the coin soared to 12,000. This year of waiting and struggling brought you a seemingly considerable annualized profit of 20%. You seemed to have become the "Buffett of the Coin Circle" overnight.

But don’t forget that along the way, you have experienced the gamble of all-in, the tension of full warehouse, the pain of selling at a loss, and the confusion of chasing ups and downs. This is the most real and vivid portrayal of most newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle.

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