In the darkest moments, persistence is the key to breakthrough. Often, only the last step is needed, and the dawn will illuminate the way forward. Unfortunately, most people fail to survive this final test and regretfully exit the market before dawn.

Looking at the long term, assets will achieve leapfrog growth in one or two years, and returns of several times or even more are in sight. Faced with the possible 10% to 20% fluctuations in the short term, why not remain calm and regard it as a small episode on the road to growth?

The deeper the repression, the stronger the rebound force. This is an unchanging law of the market, which foreshadows the gestation and birth of a new bull market. As the old saying goes: "Put it in a dead end and then live, and be trapped in a desperate situation and then survive."

Looking forward to the next 6 to 12 months, meme, AI, L2, RWA and other fields are about to usher in an unprecedented climax, and the bull market wave is surging. Are you ready to go and prepare to lay out in this feast?

In order to accurately capture every opportunity and make wise decisions, we have carefully prepared a position allocation guide. This guide will lead you through the bull and bear markets, learn to make steady profits during the boom period, and accumulate resources during the adjustment period. Check it out and claim it now, let us ride the wind and waves in the ups and downs of the market together and create brilliance together!

If you don’t know how to plan next, don’t know what coins to buy, and are confused, you can check my homepage profile, and I will share more relevant information and communication opportunities for free.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划