
In speculative trading, 20% of traders can execute their trading plans 10 times in a row, 10% can execute their trading plans 20 times in a row, and less than 1% can execute their trading plans 100 times in a row.

This is the fundamental reason why most people are losers in the financial market.

Most leeks are affected by emotions, and their operations are not the same. Sometimes they follow A, sometimes they follow B. The more typical example is buying when prices are rising but not when they are falling. When prices are rising very wildly, if you stop them from buying, they will get angry, thinking that you are blocking their way to wealth. Newton also made money at the beginning, but later he saw that the prices were rising incredibly, so why were they still rising? He couldn't help it, so he took another chance and went all-in, and then there was nothing else.

The market just goes up and down, and falls and rises. The financial market does not generate wealth, but only redistributes wealth. In the process of rising and falling, the trend is such a carrier for the redistribution of wealth.

The trend will definitely come, but we don't know when it will come. It is not like working and getting paid every month, which comes at a fixed time. There is not a trend every month. There may be another trend after a trend, but it may also be a long-term fluctuation.

So the account profit is definitely not a little profit this month and a little profit next month. The account profit is sometimes a big profit, and after a period of time, it catches a wave and makes a big profit again. The time interval between these two times is quite random.

If there is no trend, no matter how good or bad, everyone will be out of business and can't make waves, such as the current altcoin market...$BTC $ETH $BNB