In the current market atmosphere, many retail investors generally show a deep lack of confidence. The market's decline seems to have lost its clear logical support, showing an unreasonable downward trend. The influence of traditional news on the broader market seems to have weakened, and it is no longer able to directly trigger large increases and decreases as it did in the past.

As discussed before, although the news still has a certain impact on market trends, its effect is no longer as significant as in the past. The market reaction has stabilized and is no longer prone to violent fluctuations. This bull market is not only a test of investors’ financial strength, but also a profound mental trial. It requires us to remain calm and rational in the face of market changes, not to be shaken by short-term fluctuations, and to stick to our own investment strategies and principles.

Regarding the current market environment, we need to pay more attention to the adjustment and construction of mentality, learn to find certainty in uncertainty, and seize opportunities in fluctuations. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the bull market journey.

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