Bull market plummets? Respond calmly, it is actually "deep cleaning"!

The current market seems to be entering a period of shock adjustment, so there is no need to panic. Deep cleaning in the bull market is like the calm before the storm, and every callback is to accumulate power for the next leap.

The heavy negative line that suddenly appeared on the market today is like a severe warning from the market, reminding us to stay alert. In this situation, it is necessary to be particularly cautious in operating leverage and contracts, and avoid blindly placing orders to avoid being passive.

The stop-loss strategy is like a lifebuoy in sailing, which can keep us safe at critical moments. The current market is highly sensitive, and high-leverage contract trading is like walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, it may trigger the risk of liquidation, so you must be cautious.

Although the plunge in the bull market is unexpected, it is actually the maintenance of the healthy ecology of the market. The excessive proliferation of high leverage will erode the foundation of the bull market, and violent fluctuations are an effective means to eliminate these unstable factors. It allows the market to return to rationality, and also allows some speculators to reassess risks or choose to leave.

In the cryptocurrency world, wisdom and patience are far more important than high IQ or high cognition. In the face of the ever-changing market, only by maintaining a tenacious heart can you laugh to the end. Today's drop is just a small wave in the long river of the market, and there is no need to worry too much.

Let us face every challenge of the market with a calm mind and firmly believe that the bull market will eventually return.

Please also ask each investor to think carefully and formulate a clear trading plan, including buying and selling timing, investment targets, strategic layout and risk control. If you have any doubts, you may wish to learn more and communicate more to jointly improve our investment wisdom. Remember, investment is a marathon, not a sprint, and steady progress can lead to long-term success.

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