The market experienced a mild correction yesterday, and the total profit was fixed at 460,000 at 8 am this morning. The recent market volatility has undoubtedly aggravated investors' anxiety, especially as July is approaching and a series of uncertain news are shrouded in dark clouds. Among them, the Mentougou compensation incident is particularly noteworthy.

It is rumored that the exchange will compensate for the 140,000 BTC stolen in its early years, which is estimated to be as high as more than 8 billion US dollars based on the current market value. This news has made retail investors worried that the huge compensation may lead to a market sell-off and then a crash.

However, I think this worry may be unfounded, and the following points are worth pondering:

The mystery of value change: 140,000 BTC are certainly worth a fortune at current prices, but ten years ago, their value was only $210 million. The key is whether the compensation is based on the original quantity or the value at the time, which has not yet been determined. It is unknown whether the government will really play the role of a "philanthropist" and give up the ten-year appreciation.

Challenges of legal recognition: Ten years ago, blockchain was still an emerging field and had not been widely recognized globally. After the bankruptcy of Mentougou, the legal status of these bitcoins is unclear, and there are many variables as to whether the government is willing and able to legally return them to retail investors.

The fog of compensation plan: Even if the compensation is implemented, the implementation method is unclear. Will it be a one-time payment or in installments? What is the timetable? The lack of these details has led to market speculation and it is difficult to form a stable expectation.

In this context, the fluctuation of market sentiment was cleverly used by the main funds, exacerbating the confusion and anxiety of investors. Looking back at the early stage of the bull market last year, I reminded people to seize opportunities and learn technology, but many people were confident at that time and believed that there was no need for strategy in the bull market and they could just buy on dips. However, when the market pulled back, these "brainless buyers" fell into confusion and panic, and missed the real opportunity to make arrangements.

This is exactly where the main funds are smart. They are well aware of human nature and influence market sentiment by manipulating information, causing investors to miss opportunities in hesitation and fear. Therefore, in a bull market, it is particularly important to learn technology, analyze the market, and identify trends. Only by mastering these skills can you stay calm in the ups and downs of the market and seize real opportunities.

In the current market, some currencies have quietly stopped falling and stabilized, ready to go, while others have taken the lead and are leading the market. For investors who are still on the sidelines, only by constantly learning and improving themselves can they gain insight into opportunities and grasp the future in the ever-changing market.

If you can't find your direction in the cryptocurrency circle and don't know what coin to buy, please find me and I will share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency circle for free.
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